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The fruits from the "Tree of Life" await you!
Orange KING - Fresh Organic Young Coconut - Box of 4
One box of 4 fresh Orange King Coconuts
Florida grown Organic Orange coconuts contain delicious lightly sweet coconut water and jelly/ coconut meat. Research shows coconuts are packed with 100% natural essential vitamins, enzymes, and minerals. Picked and shipped fresh anywhere in the US!! Orange King Coconuts are in season! Their flavor amazing and well balanced! 💥 🥥Orange King coconuts are native to Sri Lanka but ours are grown and harvested in MIAMI, Florida. 🥥They have been used in Ayurveda for many years. 🥥One Ayurvedic recipe consists of mixing the water of one king COCO with Aralu powder 💥 🥥King coconuts have more coconut meat with slightly richer amounts of fatty acid. 🥥Coconut water is an excellent source of the B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine, and folates. When it comes to vitamins, these are essential for your body!
Shelf Life:
Room temperature = 1 - 2 weeks
Refrigerated = 2 - 3 weeks
Quick Coconut Health Benefits
- Increases Heart Health
- Improves Blood Circulation
- Burns Fat Faster
- Balances Your Blood Sugar
- Helps In Weight Loss
- Great For Maintaining and Improving Skin
- Cured Bad Hang Overs
- Keeps You Hydrated
- Supplies You With Energy
- Helps Dissolve Kidney Stones
- Alkaline Properties
- Battle Cancer And Other Diseases
- May Cause Happiness and Smiles